Dear GRE-studier,
I intensely admire you with your GRE vocab study book on the table in front of you and the Chinese-English online dictionary open in a window on your computer.
I wish I had a translation service from my brain waves into organic chemistry (Watson & Crick minus the controversy?) brain waves and back.
Saw a few art history friends for lunch, whittled away more of my belongings after the gym, and then tried to memorize reactions in Crerar Library. I think storage has reached its maximum in the cranium.
People should be more like molecules: resonance stabilized so that even if you're feeling negative energy coming from one side, you can find somewhere where that extra energy is needed to form a better connection to someone or something else. I'd swap that extra negative lone pair on you, oxygen, for a double bond any day.
Or maybe I could be a hybrid.
Frustrated orgo student
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