<---UPass, you served me well. So maybe it was worth it to take organic chemistry. So I could stop at Grand and grab a bottle of wine and some brie and crackers at Trader Joe's whenever I'd had a bad lab and not feel a DAMN BIT OF REMORSE about spending money on the train BECAUSE I'D ALREADY PAID TO HAVE MY LIFE DRAINED OUT OF ME THIS SUMMER BY AROMATIC RINGS AND RESONANCE STRUCTURES
Today is last day in Chi-town.
I have said goodbyes as follows (and in no particular order):
1.) to Paul, mon ami de trois ans
2.) to Lake Michigan, so polluted that I had to pour out the water I collected for a mini aquarium and use the water fountain that was so close in proximity to the lake that I count it as lake... (right?)
3.) to the Med, where I ate a delicious veggie sandwich on Monday with lovely Steff and Paul
4.) to Jimmy's where I had a burger, fries, and a pint of beer at 3 on a Saturday!! only the second time in there when it was still light outside...
5.) to Cynthia, the most wonderful painting conservator I could've worked under this summer. She bought me lunch on Friday after my last organic exam. I don't think I'll ever lose contact with her. She's been a real inspiration, and I hope to someday have a life similar to hers.
6.) to ORGANIC CHEMISTRY!! NEVERMORE (er...depending on if I get above a C!...)
7.) to Michal Lynn, Art History, Special Collections, and Tennessee buddy who's been such a wonderful part of my life for three years! But we shall meet again, ML...Italia? Fulbright?...
Haven't said firm goodbyes to others though:
Hyde Park Produce, Kimbark, Ratner, Crerar, Regenstein...but whenever was the last time I was there, IT WAS GOODBYE.
And some friends I'm still hoping to see later. I have a few hours before my 5 a.m. wake-up call...
Two years in this apartment, and now, after shoving 3 boxes of books, 1 duffle and one LARGE rolling duffle onto three different people who will take them to Cookeville as it is convenient, and giving multiple laundry bags, tote bags, a box of books and another duffle bag (and a bed!) to the sister to take home, I have one large rolling duffle, one small duffle (for weight and run-off purposes only...it could all fit in the large duffle), and one back pack that I will take with me first to San Jose/SFO (bless you Kamilla Khaydarov and your stick-shift vehicle which I can't wait to drive with you in!), then to Nash-vegas, and then to PARIS. We'll see if I can't whittle more down to just the rolling duffle...
Songs for tomorrow:
Gregory Alan Isakov: San Francisco
Kelly Clarkson: (well, just everything)
Ladyhawke: Another Runaway
I am sleepy. But it is only 8ish... Must sleep on couch tonight. Goodnight, Chicago. It's been a hell of a four years. But they're over. Every last minute.